Boycott USA – Japan

Food & Beverage

  1. Coca-Cola (コカ・コーラ) – One of Japan’s most popular soft drinks.
  2. Pepsi (ペプシ) – Competes with Coca-Cola and has exclusive Japan-only flavors.
  3. McDonald’s (マクドナルド / Makudonarudo) – Hugely popular, with localized menu items like the Teriyaki Burger.
  4. KFC (ケンタッキー・フライド・チキン) – Extremely popular, especially during Christmas season.
  5. Starbucks (スターバックス / Sutābakkusu) – A top coffee brand, known for seasonal Japan-exclusive drinks.
  6. Burger King (バーガーキング) – Competes with McDonald’s, but with a smaller market share.
  7. Subway (サブウェイ) – Offers fresh sandwiches in select Japanese locations.
  8. Oreo (オレオ) – Sold in supermarkets with Japan-specific flavors like Matcha.
  9. Hershey’s (ハーシーズ) – Available in premium supermarkets and convenience stores.
  10. Lay’s (レイズ) – Available but less dominant than Japanese chip brands like Calbee.
  11. Doritos (ドリトス) – Sold with unique Japanese flavors.
  12. Kellogg’s (ケロッグ) – Popular breakfast cereals like Corn Flakes and Granola.
  13. Snickers (スニッカーズ) – Widely available in Japan’s convenience stores.
  14. M&M’s (エムアンドエムズ) – Sold in supermarkets and specialty stores.
  15. Budweiser (バドワイザー) – A recognizable beer brand, though Asahi and Kirin dominate.

Technology & Electronics

  1. Apple (iPhone, Mac, iPad, AirPods, Apple Watch) – A premium smartphone brand with strong sales in Japan.
  2. Microsoft (Windows, Xbox, Office Suite) – Windows dominates the Japanese business sector, though Xbox struggles against PlayStation.
  3. Google (Android, Chrome, Pixel, YouTube, Google Pay) – Pixel phones and Google services are widely used.
  4. Amazon (アマゾン) – One of the leading online shopping platforms in Japan.
  5. Netflix (ネットフリックス) – A major streaming service, competing with local providers like Hulu Japan and U-Next.
  6. Tesla (テスラ) – Gaining a foothold in the electric vehicle (EV) market.
  7. Intel & AMD (Processors & Chips) – Used in many Japanese computers and gaming devices.
  8. Dell & HP (Laptops & Desktops) – Popular laptop brands in Japan’s business sector.
  9. GoPro (ゴープロ) – Used by Japan’s travel and adventure enthusiasts.
  10. Bose & JBL (オーディオブランド) – High-end American audio brands available in Japan.

Clothing & Fashion

  1. Nike (ナイキ) – One of the most popular sportswear brands in Japan.
  2. Levi’s (リーバイス) – A premium denim brand with a strong following in Japan.
  3. Calvin Klein (カルバン・クライン) – Available in department stores and online.
  4. Under Armour (アンダーアーマー) – Popular among Japan’s fitness community.
  5. Tommy Hilfiger (トミー・ヒルフィガー) – A well-known premium fashion brand.
  6. Ralph Lauren (ラルフ・ローレン) – Sold in high-end retail stores.
  7. New Balance (ニューバランス) – A leading sneaker brand in Japan.

Beauty & Personal Care

  1. Colgate (コルゲート) – A well-known toothpaste brand in Japan.
  2. Crest (クレスト) – Available in specialty stores and online.
  3. Maybelline (メイベリン) – One of the best-selling American cosmetics brands in Japan.
  4. Revlon (レブロン) – Available in beauty stores.
  5. Gillette (ジレット) – A major brand for razors and shaving products.

Entertainment & Media

  1. Disney (ディズニー) – Huge influence in Japan, with Tokyo Disneyland being one of the most visited parks.
  2. Marvel & DC Comics – Popular among comic and movie fans.
  3. Warner Bros. & Universal Studios – Major film and entertainment providers.
  4. EA Sports (FIFA, Madden, The Sims) – Popular video game franchises in Japan.
  5. PlayStation (Sony is Japanese, but PlayStation has strong US influence) – A leading gaming console, though Sony itself is a Japanese company.